Apex Legends Revelry: Team Deathmatch, Nemesis Assult Rifle, and Remastered Legend Classes Explained

More than your standard season.

by Noah Nelson

Apex Legends Season 16 is called Revelry and it is definitely a time to rejoice. Instead of bringing in a new legend and going through the motions, Respawn is revamping the game by introducing a lot of new features. After Revelry, Apex Legends will (hopefully) be a lot better.

Apex Legends Revelry Start Date

Season 16, AKA Revelery, will start on February 14, 2023, with the weekly reset. There will definitely be downtime, so expect to wait a few hours before jumping right into it the day of.

Apex Legends Team Deathmatch

Team Deathmatch, a highly requested game mode, is finally coming to Apex Legends. Though it had been in Apex Legends Mobile since its conception, we are so happy to finally be getting Team Deathmatch.

Apex Legends Teamdeathmatch will be a 6v6 game mode made up of two squads of three. The objective is to be the first team to 30 kills. The team to win two rounds ahead of their opponent wins the match.

Team Deathmatch will be an LTM that will rotate in and out of play in a new “Mixtape” playlist. In Mixtape, LTMs will cycle in and out of the game. Expect to see Team Deathmatch, Control, and seasonal LTMs like Date Night.

Apex Legends New Classes and Perks

Season 16 will introduce a new class system in Apex Legends. Each class with have its own unique perks. Though it will likely be pretty broken at first, Respawn is dedicated to observing how the class system and perks influence the game and will make balancing adjustments accordingly. Be sure to read the hyperlinked articles for more details.

Apex Legends Nemesis Assault Rifle

Apex Legends Revelry will also introduce Nemesis which is a new energy assault rifle. Nemesis is a four-shot burst weapon that has very little recoil. You may not be shocked about Nemesis as news about this weapon has been circulating for a really long time.

Other Apex Legends Revelry Features

There are other new features coming in Apex Legends Revelry as well like the new Orientation mode which places new players in lobbies with bots to better learn the game.

There are also two legends that will be available for free just by logging in. We’ll let you know about these login bonuses more when they get closer to happening, but for now, know that you can get Crypto by logging in anytime between February 14 and 21, and you can get Ash by logging in anytime between February 21 and 28.

Apex Legends is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

- This article was updated on February 8th, 2023

About The Author

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From his early days of blog-style music, movie, and game reviews to working as the Esports Writer at Coastline Community College, Noah Nelson now works fulltime as a Staff Writer for Attack of the Fanboy and PC Invasion. He has been helping gamers everywhere with Destiny 2 god rolls, Warzone 2 DMZ missions, and collectibles in any indie game for over a year and a half. His Bachelor's Degree in English Rhetoric and Composition with a minor in Journalism from CSULB has shaped him to be a strong writer and editor. His fondest gaming memory is playing Sly Cooper 2 after begging his mom (for hours) to play it before his birthday and he still cries myself to sleep remembering the time he accidentally saved over his 99% completion save file in Kingdom Hearts 2.