Xbox Showcase on Starfield, Redfall, Minecraft Legends, and More Could Come This Week

When is the show?

by Noah Nelson

As we predicted earlier last week, Xbox is planning on presenting a new showcase where they will reveal many game release dates such as when we can expect Starfield, Redfall, and more, as well as reveal some new games most likely. There have been several leaks from credible sources that confirm this rumor to be true… well, as true as rumors can be.

It is rumored that an Xbox showcase will likely happen this week, if not at least get announced this week. Other rumors suggest that we can expect the Xbox showcase to come on January 25 which would be a bit too late in the month in our opinion considering the official Xbox Game Pass on Twitter confirmed that it was coming soon.

Besides Xbox Game Pass themselves, the other main source of evidence we have of an Xbox showcase coming this week or at least this month is Jez Corden on Twitter. Jez is known for being a reputable source of leaks and has been proven right in the past. In his latest Tweet, Jez says, “give it a few days” in reference to an announcement from Xbox.

If Jez’s word isn’t enough for you, the VP of Xbox Games Marketing at Microsoft has recently tweeted, “This should be a fun week, excited for the days to progress!” This is a massive stamp of approval that within the next few days, Xbox will have a date for a showcase in January if not have its showcase later this week, which would be especially good timing right before the release of Sony’s Forspoken.

While the confirmation we get from these two tweets, it is a surefire bet that Xbox will have a showcase this week or at least give us a date for when we can expect a showcase. If the showcase isn’t this week, it will likely be this month that we finally get to know when we can get our hands on Starfield, Redfall, Minecraft Legends, Forza Motorsport, and many more highly anticipated games.

- This article was updated on January 9th, 2023

About The Author

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From his early days of blog-style music, movie, and game reviews to working as the Esports Writer at Coastline Community College, Noah Nelson now works fulltime as a Staff Writer for Attack of the Fanboy and PC Invasion. He has been helping gamers everywhere with Destiny 2 god rolls, Warzone 2 DMZ missions, and collectibles in any indie game for over a year and a half. His Bachelor's Degree in English Rhetoric and Composition with a minor in Journalism from CSULB has shaped him to be a strong writer and editor. His fondest gaming memory is playing Sly Cooper 2 after begging his mom (for hours) to play it before his birthday and he still cries myself to sleep remembering the time he accidentally saved over his 99% completion save file in Kingdom Hearts 2.