Is PSN Down on PS5 and PS4? How to Check PSN Server Status

Can't get online? Find out how to check the servers here!

by Shaun Cichacki
An official image from Sony depicting the Playstation 5 Controller

Gamers hoping to jump into the Wizarding world of Hogwarts Legacy, or play a few matches of Fortnite with their friends may find themselves in a bit of a sticky situation if they’re primarily PlayStation gamers. It seems that there is a server outage that is affecting plenty of players, and their ability to jump onto their favorite games.

While it’s currently unknown what may be causing this error, there are plenty of ways that gamers can check and see when their favorite games will be playable once more, so they can get back to cranking 90s and casting spells at other wizards. This is what gamers need to know on how to check the server status for their PlayStation console.

How To Check For Server Outages – PlayStation Editon

As gamers sign in and get ready to play their favorite games, there is a good chance that they may be greeted with a message that tells them that the PlayStation Network is currently not available. Never fear, as the team is likely hard at work getting everything back up and running as per normal, but in the meantime, let’s find out if the issue is just happening to you, or a global issue.

The first thing that players will want to do is check the Official PlayStation Network website, which will give gamers a comprehensive rundown on what is currently working, and what is currently unavailable. At the time of this writing, it looks like gamers may be having an issue with the Gaming and Social parts of the service.

While there may not be an official PlayStation Network Status Twitter Page, there are countless fan pages that are quickly able to report on network outages and servers going down, such as PlayStation LifeStyle. Fans can also use third-party sites, such as DownDetector to monitor the response that players are inputting themselves if the PlayStation Network website tells them differently.

Is There Any Way I Can Get Online Faster?

If the Sony PlayStation Network website is reporting issues with their servers, the only thing that players can do is be patient during this time, and wait for them to get things back up and running. While this is normally a fast process, there is a chance that it could take a bit longer than normal to get working once more.

If players are not seeing any sort of issue being reported, they can try a few basic troubleshooting steps, such as restarting their console and router or reconfiguring their network settings on their console. Electronics need a little bit of rest every once in a while, and a restart normally gets things back up and operational rather quickly.

- This article was updated on February 7th, 2023

About The Author

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As a fan of RPGs, Action & Retro titles, Shaun has been gaming since he was a young boy. Alongside an affection towards Metal Gear Solid, you can find him jumping into anything new and exciting. As a newer writer, Shaun has been working in the Games field for just over 1 year in total and is continuing to learn and grow with experience.