Is There a Post Credit Scene in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse?

Is there a post credit scene in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse? The answer will surprise you...

by Matthew Kevin Mitchell
Image: Sony Pictures Entertainment

Are you wondering if there is a post credit scene in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse? Across the Spider-Verse is considered part 2 of the Spider-Verse franchise ending trilogy. Because of this, it ends with a few significant cliffhangers that won’t be answered until the second installment is released sometime in 2024. Spider-Man fans everywhere wonder if there is a post or mid credits scene that will hint at what we can expect in the final film, and here is the answer.

Does Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Have a Post Credit Scene?

No, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse does not have a Post Credit or Mid Credit scene. This is hugely disappointing as not only did Into the Spider-Verse have a post credit scene, which hinted at one of the core characters in Across the Spider-Verse, but this installment ends with several cliffhangers leaving us to wonder what will happen. In fact, the entire theater that I was in moaned in unison after the theater lights turned on and the screen went blank.

Related: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Ending Explained – Who Dies, Lives, and What Happens to Miles?

However, we were given a little teaser that showed the title of the final installment of the Spider-Verse trilogy. During the credits, we see the traditional MCU line, “Miles will return in Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse.” This line hints at the third and final film in the Spider-Verse franchise, which is expected to release on March 29, 2024. A ton of story arcs and character development need to be finished in this film.

While we weren’t given any post hints at what characters to expect via a post or mid credits scene, we did see at the end of the film the return of fan favorites Spider-Ham and Spider-Man Noir after Gwen Stacy assembles a team to save Miles. While they had no voice lines, we hope that John Mulaney and Nicolas Cage return to voice them.

- This article was updated on May 31st, 2023

About The Author

Matthew Kevin Mitchell has been a contributing writer for Attack of the Fanboy and PC Invasion since 2022. Matthew primarily covers Manga like One Piece, horror movies like Scream, and survival horror games like Dead by Daylight. His favorite moment came during his first press event covering Scream 6 for AotF. He hails from Denver, Colorado, where he received his Bachelor of Science in Information Technology from Regis University. When he isn’t scaring himself silly or writing, he loves to play ice hockey, spoil his dog, and drink an unhealthy amount of coffee.